Eid Gifts Distribution Program
Muslims observe basically 2 major religious festivals in all over the
world. As Bangladesh is a developing country, many poor are deprived of the flavor of the
festivities, due to poverty. HPPB takes initiative every year to participate in providing new
clothes to poor children of the community. This year also we distributed New Clothes to
about 100 destitute children in an effort to bring smile to their faces. Offer gifts by
Ikramul Haque Titu Mayor, Mymensingh Municipality, Advocate Jahirul Haque Khoka, Chairman,
District Council, Mymensingh, Babu Pradip Kumar Bhumik, Editor, Alokito Mymensingh,
Niamul Karim Sajal, Journalist, Daily KalarKantha, M.A. Wares Babu, Precident HPPB
& Volunteer Team of HPPB